Definition of Science
Science is the acquisition of knowledge. That means: learning new things, finding out. And make new discoveries. The scientists write down all the discoveries that are important. The students learn that knowledge. And when they later discover something important themselves, later students must learn it again.Theoretical and empirical science
You must make a good distinction between theoretical and empirical science. Theoretical science is about ideas that have not been proven. Empirical science is about natural laws that can be measured or repeated with an experiment. An example is Einstein 's theory of relativity. He came up with the theory in 1905, but his theory was only proven in 1915. There are also many theoretical models, which later proved to be incorrect. These theories also help scientists to make progress because they know where to look no further. Thanks to advances in science, we have modern technology such as the mobile phone or the computer. The problem with theoretical models is that they are quite complicated and not everyone realizes that we still do not know much. We now know more than in the Middle Ages and in 100 years' time, our knowledge may also be outdated. Just as in the Middle Ages certain experiments were too dangerous, so in the future experiments that are now impossible with new techniques can become possible.Combined Science
Science has many sub-areas. Some examples are medical science and physics and chemistry. Nowadays, many people talk about science about climate change. It is a science within a geography that seeks to discover how the climate will be in the coming period. In it, research is done on the developments of the climate in recent years and outlines an expectation for the coming period.Some studies are scientific, such as in the field of psychology or sociology, but they are not always easy to measure because it is about people. Then investigations must be done with other people.
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